[Unboxing] First StellaWorth order via forwarding and more…

As some of you know… I usually ordered my stuff via FromJapan, a full proxy. But buying lots of things also means to pay lots of handling fees and someday I was thought: “Hey, why not try out a forwarding proxy and order directly from the webshops? It might save me lots of money in future.” I have a credit card, had Hinano’s shopping guide and was curious, so I tried ordering directly from SkitDolce, Rejet’s online shop.

To my dismay… SkitDolce didn’t liked the security system I have for my credit card, so I couldn’t use my credit card with them… I tried to adjust things with my bank, but they said that SkitDolce is not triggering the payment with my credit card, so I can’t enter my security password for the payment. I could have directly contacted SkitDolce, but that was a too big hurdle for me, so I just let it be. I guess I still need to use a full proxy sometimes, if SkitDolce has nice extras (tokutens)… ;w;

My second attempt to order directly was at StellaWorth and lo and behold, it worked!!! They accepted my credit card, though I had to write my name in Katakana! But still… It WORKED!!! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ My proxy in favor was Big in Japan because I had only one package from StellaWorth and the handling fee was 500 Yen for as many articles I wanted, instead of having kg prices or article prices. The EMS shipping was 1800 Yen and pretty cheap for 9 CD’s. I didn’t even think it would have been this cheap. LOLOL Big in Japan also offers SAL if you don’t want EMS shipping. I advice you to check the postage charges before picking EMS or SAL, because the prices for the postage are revealed when your package arrives at Big in Japan.

I actually want to try out ordering at the Animate onlineshop as well, because they grant us with lots of points… I’m kind of sad that StellaWorth doesn’t give points on orders in the onlineshop… The real shop does have points though… Maybe they’ll change it someday…

If anyone has questions about ordering directly at StellaWorth… Feel free to ask me. I’m trying to help you as much as I can! (^w^)/

Needless to say… I bought a bunch of CD’s from StellaWorth.

  • Pia Prince Carrot Approach CD (Morikawa Toshiyuki, Shimono Hiro, Shimazaki Nobunaga, Yasumoto Hiroki, Inoue Go, Irie Reona) I only bought this CD because the voice samples were really funny and the CD is only 980 Yen. 980 YEN for almost 1 hour tracklist!!! 8D
  • Kare to Issho ni Ofuton de ichaicha gorogoro suru -Evening- (Hirakawa Daisuke)
  • Kareshi Igai Type D: X -Indiscretion with his younger brother- (Tachibana Shinnosuke)
  • Shinsengumi Kekkonroku Wasurenagusa 4: Hijikata (Hosoya Yoshimasa)
  • Higashiura-Ke no Kyuujitsu 3 -Mirai no Kazoku- (Ono Yuuki as your BF and Kimura Ryouhei as your older future brother-in-law)
  • NadeNade 3 (Maeno Tomoaki) with Tokuten
  • TsukiUta February (Masuda Toshiki) and September (Kondou Takashi)
  • and lots of bromides. xDD

And then some days later my Maeno Tomoaki batch from Octobre arrived with Surface Mail!

  • Akogare no Meganeya-san (Maeno Tomoaki and Yonaga Tsubasa)
  • Kutsuya Glicine (Maeno Tomoaki) There was a signature raffle, when I bought it, but sadly I was not a winner… ;w;

Am I the only person who think it’s amusing that Maeno is a salesman in both CD’s? A shoe shop clerk and a glasses shop clerk. LOL The freetalk from Akogare no Meganeya-san is hilarious. Maeno and Yonaga Tsubasa are incredible dorks. xDDD

I have been ordering quite a lot, but now my wish list is dying down… Luckily. And I will try to combine as many releases as I can so I will only get one package per month. wwww

18 thoughts on “[Unboxing] First StellaWorth order via forwarding and more…

  1. how niceeeeee I’ve always wanted to buy via forwarding service because a certain game company is a gaijin hate zone lol. I’ll probably ask more questions about it later 😀 enjoy your CDs~

  2. oh so you enter your name in Katakana eh.
    Stellaworth’s up points are that they 1. combine shipping of all orders within the same month and 2. if you don’t want a Frisbee tokuten, you can actually get the game fairly cheap compared to other places.

    Downside of course is there is no point system so it doesn’t motivate one to come back and order again. Animate’s “we only ship your stuff if its out on the same day” system really blows and they charge 400 yen for shipping so….I’ve kinda tried to avoid them lately? XD I still have CD japan points so once those run out maybe I’ll just stick to Amazon.jp e_e

    • Yeah… Animate’s shipping is a bit weird, because they don’t combine pre-orders with other pre-orders or backorders or available items… If you just order available items it’s okay and their point system is AWESOME. But well… You have to plan your orders thoroughly…

      Sadly… Amazon.jp doesn’t have tokutens… ;w; They are cheap and fast, but….

      • yea it’s true but back to my comment of “if you don’t want frisbees and just want a discount” honestly my CD rack that’s been unused for so many years is now FILLED with these stupid tokuten drama CDs I’ll never listen to again lol

  3. Hi, I’m new to ordering drama CDs and was wondering if you can give me
    advice on the cheapest way to get one cd and tokuten from Stellaworth. Should I use a proxy like fromjapan or use a forwarding service like baggage forward? Thanks ^^

    • You’re welcome!

      Fact is: Forwarding is always cheaper than ordering via proxy.

      So I’d say if you’re willing to go through the hassle of ordering and paying at StellaWorth (they don’t have an English section) I’d recommend you to forward your package.

      As for which forwarding service to use… If you really only want one CD, maybe BaggageForward and JShoppers are the cheapest ones… Please read Hinano’s otoge shopping guide for more information. 🙂

      Hope I could help you!

      • Thanks for the advice ^^ I’m actually considering in using Big in Japan cause I’m using them for figures plus Baggage Forward was not that gaijin friendly when signing up for a new account. One more question though, I also noticed while browsing Stellaworth’s site that the domestic shipping was 500yen and wondering if this was a flat fee cause there are a few in stock tokutens that I’m interested in ^^;

  4. Excuse me. currently i am trying to preorder a PC game with stellaworth tokuten. But is it true that foreign credit card wont work?😖 The game is also avalible at amazon but theres no tokuten….

    • Oh, I’m sorry that it doesn’t work… It’s kind of weird, but my credit card works fine?! And it’s a foreign card too. Maybe some are just not going working with them? I can’t pay with that same credit card on SkitDolce and Tower Records. Because of I don’t know what reason actually. LOL

  5. Hello. I wanted to purchase an otome game, Reine des Fleurs Stellaworth set and was originally planning to use a full proxy service (bridge jpn) to do this. However, because the release of the game happens to fall (unluckily) on the same period in which they are closed for summer holidays, I was wondering if you knew any good full proxy services that don’t rely solely only on paypal for payments (I don’t have paypal). I would package forward, but trying to purchase stuff from Stellaworth gave me a lot of hassle so I never went right through it to the end.

    Also, do you know if a Stellaworth set otome game is still purchasable even after the game has been released? Like, you don’t neccessarily have to pre-order the game to get it?

    • Sorry for the late reply… If fromjapan.co.jp is a full proxy that also accepts credit cards. I used them before and they were quite nice. I’m not sure if they are stilling living up to their name though. ^^

      If a Stellaworth set otome game is still purchasable depends on if the game was popular or not. Sometimes they still have copies. Sometimes they don’t. And sometimes they even re-stock the sets, if they see the potential of selling more of them.

      • It’s alright. Sorry for the late reply? Lol did not expect my question to be answered after the ‘your comment is awaiting moderation’ message after sending you my inquiry. And oh! I thought from japan was a site only for bidding and auctioning which was why I steered away from it despite the good reviews of it. This is my first time ordering at the site. On the home page, do I just scroll to the fast bidding/shopping channel on the right and select the shopping option and proceed to put the url and name of the item I wish to purchase, and just fill in the form?

      • Oh wait never mind I think I figured out myself how to do it. Anyways, thank you for replying back to me! ^^ The information about the availability of special sets helped me out, and will be stored in my brain for future use.

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